Author: Binny V A

A philosopher programmer who specializes in backend development and stoicism.

Remote Port Forwarding using SSH Tunnel

If you want someone on the internet to access a service/port on your local system(and you have access to a remote server), you can use SSH Tunnel to do this.

HTML Native Autocomplete

HTML Native Autocomplete – no JavaScript necessary… <input type=”email” size=”40″ list=”defaultEmails”> <datalist id=”defaultEmails”> <option value=””> <option value=””> <option value=””> <option…

Enable Pasting in Firefox – for sites that block it

Some bank sites have a nasty habit of disabling pasting into username/password fields. If you are using firefox, you disable this “feature”.

Intro summary and details tags in HTML5

A brief introduction to the <summary> and the <details> HTML5 Tags

Puppeteer and ShadowDOM

If you are testing an app – be it React, Angular or Vue – and you are using an library…

Rename Images Based on Exif Date

Renames all the files in the current folder based on the Exif date of that image. You’ll need the ‘jhead’ command tool – use apt-get to install it.

Database Data to Download Variables

Gets data from a MySql database, splits the data into separate columns, then uses one column in a URL to download something – and uses other column to name the file thats downloaded

Search Wikipedia from Command Line

Get the intro paragraph of any wikipedia article using this trick… dig +short txt “<keyword>”

Encrypt/Decrypt files using GPG

Encrypt/Decript files in linux #Encypt… gpg -c <Source File> #Decrypt… gpg <Encrypted File>

Compress the Big Files

Compress the big image files