Tag: image

Convert Bin/Cue Images to ISO Image using Linux Command

You can use this command to convert a Bin/Cue image to an ISO image in a linux system. You may…

Create ISO Image of a Folder

Create an iso image of a directory mkisofs -J -allow-leading-dots -R -V “Label CD” -iso-level 4 -o ./cd.iso data_cd

Convert all Ico files to Gif

I had a collection of ico files with the ext gif – these are the commands I used to fix…

Create Compressed Image

Create a compressed iso image of cdrom on disk mkisofs /dev/cdrom | gzip > cd_iso.gz

Batch Resize Images with ImageMagick

Batch resize files in the current directory and send them to a thumbnails directory (requires convert from Imagemagick) find ….

Create a Folder’s ISO image

How to make an ISO image from contents of a directory? mkisofs -V label-name -r directory-name > iso-image.iso [tags]iso,image,folder,linux,mkisofs[/tags]

Create CD Image

These commands can be used to create an image of a CD/DVD/HDD. You can also use some GUI tool like…

Command to make a CD/DVD ISO Image in Linux with dd

This command can be used to create an image of a CD/DVD/HDD. You can also use some GUI tool like…

Extracting DAA Image Files

I once got a DAA file from a P2P network. Initally I was at a lose about how to extract…

Mount ISO Images

Mounting ISO Images in Linux mount -t iso9660 -o loop <Image_File> <Mount_Point> How to Mount ISO/MDF Images in Linux