Tag: process

Find the Process that Listen to a Port

Find the process that are listening to a said port… lsof -i :80

Restrict Top to Current User’s Commands

Show only your processes in the top list using this command… top -u `whoami` OR top -u binnyva(your username)

Using strace

Display system calls made and received by a process strace -c ls >/dev/null

List of Open Files

Display a list of files opened by processes lsof -p NUMBER

pstree Command

Shows a tree system processes pstree

PS Command Forest Mode

Displays linux tasks in a hierarchical mode ps -e -o pid,args –forest

Pid Command

Create a command that will return the pid of the given command string.. #!/bin/sh ps aux|grep 1|head -n1|awk ‘{print2}’

Better Way to find Process ID of an Application in Linux

A better way to get the process id of an application. I recommend giving an alias for this command… ps…