Tag: server

Run Webserver with current folder as root

Different ways to run a webserver using the current directory as root. Useful to serve static files.

Django server on custom Port

Running Django server on a custom Port python manage.py runserver 8001

Find Current DNS Server

The DNS servers are in the /etc/resolv.conf file – cat it to find what they are. You can edit to…

FTP Using Curl

Copy a file to a remote system using FTP with the Curl command… curl -T filename.txt -u username:password ftp://example.cot/filename.txt Original…

nslookup Network Command

Lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa nslookup www.example.com

Share Current Folder over the Web

Want to show something on your machine to someone over the web? Don’t copy it or upload it somewhere. Just…

Connecting to a Remote MySQL Host

You can connect to a remote mysql server if you have the necessary permissions… mysql -h mysql.remote.com -u user