Month: June 2009


CDPATH is to cd what PATH is to exectable. You can go to a folder inside any of the CDPATH…

Use ffmpeg to create a screencast

You can use this command to create a screencast using ffmpeg. ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 800×600 -i :0.0 /tmp/screencast.mpg

Backup posts

Backup all delicious bookmarks using this command wget –user=username –password=password -O bookmarks.xml

Replacing in Found Files

Replace one string by another in all file found by find. find . -name *whatyouwant* -exec perl -pi.bak -e ‘s/TEXT_TO_REPLACE/TEXT_TO_REPLACE_IT_WITH/g’…

Backup and Restore Boot sector

Use these commands to backup/restore your boot sector dd if=/dev/hda of=bootsector.img bs=512 count=1 # backup dd if=bootsector.img of=/dev/hda #restore Original…

Post to Delicious From Command Line

Post to Delicious curl “https://<username>:<password>[URL]&description=[TITLE]&tags=[TAGS]&replace=no”

Regular Expression Twitter Linker

Regular expression to link twitter users… Replace this ‘@(\w+)’ With this ‘<a href=”\1″>@\1</a>’

Object Or Array Check in JavaScirpt

Test whether an object is an object or an array if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr) === ‘[object Array]’) alert(“Array”) Original Article

Command Line Tool to Set ID3 Tags for MP3

Set the ID3 tags for mp3 files using this command… id3tool -t “title” -r “artist” file.mp3

Get Audio from a video file

Get Audio from a video file mplayer -dumpaudio -quiet VIDEO_FILE