Author: Binny V A

A philosopher programmer who specializes in backend development and stoicism.

Find New Files

Search files created or changed within 10 days find /usr/bin -type f -mtime -10

Share Current Folder over the Web

Want to show something on your machine to someone over the web? Don’t copy it or upload it somewhere. Just…

Display a Small Notification Dialog

This command shows a notice in GUI and disappears after a few seconds… notify-send “Hello There”

Convent Ico to Gif

This will convert all the ico files in the folder to gif. It uses the final frame of the ico…

Using Rar in Linux

Create an archive rar called ‘file.rar’ rar a file.rar test_file

Perl Joke

Just a joke – no offense intended… perl -e ‘a=”etbjxntqrdke”;a=~s/(.)/chr(ord(1)+1)/eg;printa’

Create a config file for DosBox in Linux

If you are using dosbox to play old games in linux, you can use this command to create a config…

Find Duplicate Lines

Sort contents of two files by viewing only duplicate line sort file1 file2 | uniq -d

Copy all Txt Files

Find and copy all files with ‘.txt’ extention from a directory to another find /home/binnyva -name ‘*.txt’ | xargs cp…

Change the Shell

Use this command to change the default shell you are using. chsh