Author: Binny V A

A philosopher programmer who specializes in backend development and stoicism.

yum install

Stuff I had to install after doing a Fedora Core 6 Install from DVD Libraries qca-tls Multimedia mplayer vlc xine…

Find Difference Between 2 Dates in PHP

This function will find the difference between two given times. Does PHP already have a native function for that? //The…

Backup Locally using Rsync

Backup a folder to another local folder using the rsync tool. rsync -av ~/Scripts/ /var/Backup/Rsync/Scripts/ a = Archive Mode v…

Find the Fourth Sunday

Javascript code for finding the fourth sunday in any given month. function findFourthSunday(year,month) { var fourth_sunday = 0; var sunday_count…

Packaging a Subversion Project

This is the method that I use to package a SVN Project. For CVS projects, the code is slightly different….

Using Subversion – Import, Checkout and Update

Import/New Project svn import <Folder> <Repository> Online Repository Example svn import Nexty Checkout svn checkout [<folder>] Update svn…

Recording Sound in Linux

To record a sound in wav format from Mic, just use this command… arecord -f cd test.wav Use Ctrl+C to…

Text to Speech – Hear a File

Festival is a speech synthesizer for Linux. You can use this with the following commands… Enter a festival console for…

MySQL Database Backup/Restore

This command can be used to backup MySQL database. mysqldump -u <User> -p <Database name> [<Table name>] > backup.sql This…

Shortest way to create an XMLHttpRequest object

For best results use a framework – like jx http = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest : (window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject(“MSXML2.XMLHTTP”):…