Category: Command Line

Remove SVN Info from a Folder

This command removes the SVN data from a folder. find -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;

NIC Card Configuration

Show configuration of an ethernet network card ifconfig eth0

Fetch a URL With a Number Series

Use this command to download numbered content… for ((i=1; i

Zero Padding In Linux Commands

This is how you zero pad a numerical variable in bash. for ((x=1;x<=31;x+=1)); do echo `printf “%02d” $x`; done Original…

Create ISO Image of a Folder

Create an iso image of a directory mkisofs -J -allow-leading-dots -R -V “Label CD” -iso-level 4 -o ./cd.iso data_cd

Uncompressing a BZ2 File

Decompress a file called ‘file.bz2’ bunzip2 file.bz2


Using XMLStarlet… curl -s ‘’ | xml sel -t -m ‘//link’ -v ‘.’ -n…

Compare contents of two files

Compare contents of two files by deleting only unique lines from ‘file1’ comm -1 file1 file2

Create Compressed Tarball

Create a compressed tarball tar -czf archive.tar file_name

Script to Convert FLV to AVI

This will convert a flv file to a avi file. I got this off It uses mencoder – so…