Category: Command Line

Random Noise in Linux

Random Noise in Linux – I cannot think of any practical use for this command. You can use it for…

Get URL Headers from Linux Command Line

Show the headers of an URL from the command line. This will need perl, lwp installed on the system. lwp-request…

git status Without the Untracked Files

Don’t show the untracked files in git status git status | perl -pe “exit if(/Untracked files\:/)”

Alarm Command in Linux

Command to create an Alarm in Linux echo ‘xmessage “Hello”‘|at 19:00

Crontab Commands

Some command to set, view and remove cron jobs crontab -e #Edit Crons crontab -l #List all crons crontab -r…

Installing a Ruby Gem

Use this command to install a ruby gem in Linux – you must be connected to the net sudo gem…

Create a Permanent Alias in Fish Shell

This is how you create a permanent alias is fish… alias x=’exit’ save_function x

Date Command

Create the MySQL format date(YYYY-MM-DD) using the date command date +%Y-%m-%d

Some File Operation in SVN

Moving, Coping and Deletion svn mv file.php to_folder/ #Move svn cp file.php to_folder/ #Copy svn rm file.php #Deletion

Clears the yum cache

Clears the yum cache yum clean all