Category: Linux

Run Webserver with current folder as root

Different ways to run a webserver using the current directory as root. Useful to serve static files.

Screen Mirroring from Android phone to Linux

Use [scrcpy]( copy) to mirror an Android device – and see/use it from your linux system.

Docker Basics

Source Images Images are the templates used to create Docker Containers. Container is a running instance of an image. Eg….

Install and Configure Docker

Install Docker on Ubuntu and Configure it to use a non-default directory.

Remote Port Forwarding using SSH Tunnel

If you want someone on the internet to access a service/port on your local system(and you have access to a remote server), you can use SSH Tunnel to do this.

Database Data to Download Variables

Gets data from a MySql database, splits the data into separate columns, then uses one column in a URL to download something – and uses other column to name the file thats downloaded

Encrypt/Decrypt files using GPG

Encrypt/Decript files in linux #Encypt… gpg -c <Source File> #Decrypt… gpg <Encrypted File>

Compress the Big Files

Compress the big image files

Iterate a Text File in Bash

This is how you iterate thru a text file outputting a line at a time in Bash shell scripting.

Convert RAW files to JPEG

Convert RAW files to JPEG in batch. Convert all files in a folder using a command. For this to work, first you must have ‘ufraw’ package installed. sudo apt-get install ufraw or sudo yum install ufraw depending on your OS