Category: Linux

yum install

Stuff I had to install after doing a Fedora Core 6 Install from DVD Libraries qca-tls Multimedia mplayer vlc xine…

Backup Locally using Rsync

Backup a folder to another local folder using the rsync tool. rsync -av ~/Scripts/ /var/Backup/Rsync/Scripts/ a = Archive Mode v…

Recording Sound in Linux

To record a sound in wav format from Mic, just use this command… arecord -f cd test.wav Use Ctrl+C to…

Text to Speech – Hear a File

Festival is a speech synthesizer for Linux. You can use this with the following commands… Enter a festival console for…

List All Files in a Folder Recursively

Save the list of all files in a folder – recursively. find .|sed ‘s/\.\///;’ Another option is ls -R -1…

Download Entire Folder using Wget Command in Linux

wget -m -m, –mirror shortcut for -N -r -l inf –no-remove-listing. wget -H -r –level=1 -k -p -r,…

Change the Extension of Multiple Files in Linux

In this example, we will change all files with extension ‘.info’ to ‘.txt’. Rename all *.info files in one folder…

CVS Through Proxy

Command to import a CVS project’s code through a proxy Checkout code from remote server(No Proxy) cvs -z3 co…

Command to Compress/Uncompress tar.gz and tar.bz2 files

Compress folder Test/ to Test.tar.gz tar czfv Test.tar.gz Test/ czfv = ‘Compress Zip File Verbose’ If you want bzip files,…

Remove CVS Information from a Folder

find -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; NOTE: Works only with bash