Tag: command

Compare contents of two files

Compare contents of two files by deleting only unique lines from ‘file1’ comm -1 file1 file2

Create Compressed Tarball

Create a compressed tarball tar -czf archive.tar file_name

Text type convert

Convert a text file format from MSDOS to UNIX dos2unix input_file output_file

Building an RPM from a Spec File

Use this command to build an RPM if you have a Spec File rpmbuild -ba SPEC_FILE

Show routing table

show routing table route -n

Play MPlayer in full Screen

Play the video in full screen using mplayer. mplayer -zoom -x 1024 -y 768 -fs -framedrop FILE

Rsync via SSH tunnel

Rsync via SSH tunnel rsync -rogpav -e ssh –delete /home/binnyva 192168.0.30:/var/Backup/home

Show Free RAM

This command shows the free RAM space in MB free -m

Exclude Removable Partitions from a ‘find’ Search

Search files with ‘.rpm’ extension ignoring removable partitions as cdrom, pen-drive, etc. find / -xdev -name \*.rpm

Installing Rails

You can install Rails in a Fedora system with these commands… yum -y install ruby ruby-devel ruby-irb ruby-libs ruby-rdoc ruby-ri…