Tag: install

Install RPM Package

Install a rpm package rpm -ivh package.rpm

Install Package Debian(DPKG)

Install a package using dpkg in Debian linux dpkg -i package

Packages to Install in a Debian/KDE Laptop

I usually install these packages after I install Debian/KDE in a Laptop. apt-get install … kdebase k3b gcc vlc xine-ui…

Apt using CD/DVD

Install / upgrade a deb package from cdrom/dvd apt-cdrom install package_name

List all Installed RPMs by Size

Show space used by rpm packages installed sorted by size (fedora, redhat and like) rpm -q -a –qf “%10{SIZE}\t%{NAME}\n” |…

Install Java JRE in Linux and Use it as a Firefox Plugin

Download the installer from http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp cd /usr/local/ mkdir java cd java sh /home/user/location_of_jre_installer/jre-6u3-linux-i586.bin cd /usr/local/firefox/plugin/ [The folder where firefox is…

Install DDClient

DDClient is a tool that lets you auto update your ip with services like dyndns.org. This is how you install…

RAR Support In Linux

RAR Support in Linux is easy – just install the unrar tool… sudo yum install unrar

Install dependencies for HTML Validator

Installing the dependencies for HTML Validator extension for Firefox on linux. sudo yum install compat-libstdc++-296 compat-libstdc++-33 tidy

Installing a Ruby Gem

Use this command to install a ruby gem in Linux – you must be connected to the net sudo gem…