Tag: Linux

Installing Rails

You can install Rails in a Fedora system with these commands… yum -y install ruby ruby-devel ruby-irb ruby-libs ruby-rdoc ruby-ri…

Get the Plain Text Version of a Web Page

This command fetches a web page, converts it to text and shows it. lynx -dump http://www.example.com/

Sed Regular Expression Range

Print the contents of a file from a given regular expression to another sed -n ‘/start/,/end/ p’ file This will…

Find New Files

Search files created or changed within 10 days find /usr/bin -type f -mtime -10

Share Current Folder over the Web

Want to show something on your machine to someone over the web? Don’t copy it or upload it somewhere. Just…

Display a Small Notification Dialog

This command shows a notice in GUI and disappears after a few seconds… notify-send “Hello There”

Using Rar in Linux

Create an archive rar called ‘file.rar’ rar a file.rar test_file

Perl Joke

Just a joke – no offense intended… perl -e ‘a=”etbjxntqrdke”;a=~s/(.)/chr(ord(1)+1)/eg;printa’

Create a config file for DosBox in Linux

If you are using dosbox to play old games in linux, you can use this command to create a config…

Find Duplicate Lines

Sort contents of two files by viewing only duplicate line sort file1 file2 | uniq -d