Tag: replace

Replacing in Found Files

Replace one string by another in all file found by find. find . -name *whatyouwant* -exec perl -pi.bak -e ‘s/TEXT_TO_REPLACE/TEXT_TO_REPLACE_IT_WITH/g’…

Using M4 Command

This command takes an input file and substitutes strings inside it with the parameters passed, similar to substituting for variables….

Simple Sed Command

Change all occurrences of ‘one’ to ‘two’ in the file.txt file in the grep example, enter this: sed ‘s/one/two/g’ file.txt

Replace \n with another String

The command to convert all \n in a file to another string – very useful for list code generation. perl…

Command to Replace a String in all Files in Current Directory

Replaces all instance of ‘<old string>’ with ‘<new sting>’ in all the files of the current directory. perl -pi -e…

Changing separator with Perl

This will join all lines of a file together. Sometimes I have a list of something in a file, one…