Month: December 2007

Recursive Grep

Recursively check a folder to find the given text using grep grep -R “text” *

Using M4 Command

This command takes an input file and substitutes strings inside it with the parameters passed, similar to substituting for variables….

Install DDClient

DDClient is a tool that lets you auto update your ip with services like This is how you install…

Run a Command if Another Command Succeeds

This will let you run a linux command based on the success of anther command. Note: This will only work…

Pid Command

Create a command that will return the pid of the given command string.. #!/bin/sh ps aux|grep 1|head -n1|awk ‘{print2}’

Sort a File

A Linux command to sort the contests of a file sort file.ext [tags][/tags]

Some Processor Intensive Commands

I run these commands when I am off for lunch or something… sudo /bin/bash /usr/sbin/makewhatis -w sudo /usr/bin/updatedb #These two…

Merging a Branch with the Master Branch in git

The commands needed to merge two branches in git. git checkout master git merge BrachName git commit -m “Merged” -a

Enable Bridging for VirtualBox in Fedora 8

To access net on a guest OS installed within VirtualBox, you have to enable bridging. This is what I did……

Stop crond When mysqld is Down

A perl script to stop crond if mysqld is down #!/usr/bin/perl # See if MySQL server is alive or not…