Category: Linux
Spell Check a Text File using Aspell
January 11, 2009
You can use Aspell to spell check of a text document using this command. It must be executed in a…
Stop All Downloads in KTorrent Using Dcop
January 7, 2009
Stop all downloads in KTorrent using dcop. Can be done from local system or by logging in using ssh from…
Find Open File in a Given Directory
January 4, 2009
Find the process that’s opened the file from a specified directory. You can use this if you cannot unmount a…
Watching the disk space
December 26, 2008
If you want to repeat a command many times, for example you are monitoring something, then don’t forget about the…
Run Remote App Locally
December 23, 2008
Run a remote GUI tool in a local system ssh -X neo@ /usr/bin/kate
nslookup Network Command
December 7, 2008
Lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa nslookup
Backup Entire Harddrive to an Image
December 5, 2008
Backup content of the harddrive to a file. Creates an image of the drive dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/sda.iso
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