Python Function for Space Units

A Python function to return readable size using the given size(KB) # Returns a more readable format of the given…

Get Result of Command using Python in Linux

Execute a command and get its results using python in Linux import commands result = commands.getoutput(“ls”)

Concatinate Files in Linux

This is how you concatinate multiple files in linux… cat file1 file2 file3 > final_file

301 Redirect using PHP

301 Redirect using PHP header (‘HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently’); header (‘Location: ‘.$new_location);

Basic Screen Shortcuts(Linux Terminal Tool)

Some important screen shortcuts Create New : Ctrl+A c Next Screen: Ctrl+A Space Previous : Ctrl+A Backspace Show Screen List:…

Command to Print Until Regular Expression

Print a file until a regular expression is matched. cat file.txt | perl -pe “exit if(/Thats all/)”

Listing all Files Recursively in Windows

Save the list of all files in a folder in windows – recursively. dir /s /b>FileList.txt [tags]command, dir, directory, folder,…

Shortcuts – Hard and Soft Links in Linux

This is how to create hard and soft links in Linux. Remember, a directory cannot be hard linked. #Hard link…

Get URL Headers using CURL

Show the headers of an URL using Curl curl -I

Search Text in a Folder using grep

Search for a specific text in a folder using grep grep “fetchFeedPacksCustomize()” *.js [tags]grep,search,text,folder[/tags]