Find Remaining Battery Power

Find the remaining battery power in your laptop using this command in Linux. acpi -V

Post To using Curl

Post a status update to using just curl curl –basic –user binnyva:PASSWORD –data-ascii “status=The new status goes here”

Django server on custom Port

Running Django server on a custom Port python runserver 8001

Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu/Debian

Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server…

Start a new Django Project

Command to start a new Django project… startproject [PROJECT_NAME] cd [PROJECT_NAME] python startapp [PROJECT_NAME]

Double space a file using Ruby

Double space a file with Ruby using the command ruby -pe ‘puts’ < file.txt

List Files Provided by Package

Show list of files provided by a rpm package installed rpm -ql package_name

git push

Command to push the current repository in git to a online server git push

Stress Test Apache with ab

Stress test your apache web server with the ap tool… ab -n 200 -c 50 http://localhost/ n = number of…

Sort by Line Length

Sort file by line length. Original Article… cat /etc/passwd | awk ‘{print length, 0}’ | sort -n | awk ‘{1=””;…