Tag: Code
HTTP Digest Authentication with PHP
The code for using HTTP Digest Authentication with PHP. <?php realm = ‘Restricted area’; if (empty(_SERVER[‘PHP_AUTH_DIGEST’])) { header(‘HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized’);…
Shutdown A Windows System from Command Line
ShutDown.EXE [/shutdown][/restart][/poweroff][/logoff][/lockws][/hibernate][/standby][/fshutdown][/frestart][/fpoweroff][/flogoff][/flockws][/fhibernate][/fstandby][/hide][/show] Switch Description Available for /shutdown ShutDown Windows Windows (all) /restart Restart Windows Windows (all) /poweroff Power Off Windows …
Find Difference Between 2 Dates in PHP
This function will find the difference between two given times. Does PHP already have a native function for that? //The…
Find the Fourth Sunday
Javascript code for finding the fourth sunday in any given month. function findFourthSunday(year,month) { var fourth_sunday = 0; var sunday_count…
Shortest way to create an XMLHttpRequest object
For best results use a framework – like jx http = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest : (window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject(“MSXML2.XMLHTTP”):…
Using PHP’s Curl functions behind a Proxy
Using PHP’s Curl functions even if the net is accessible only thru a proxy. This is the only way curl…
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