Tag: command

Check for Badblocks on the HDD

Check bad blocks in disk hda1 badblocks -v /dev/hda1

Install CPAN in Fedora

If you are getting a ‘Can’t locate CPAN.pm in @INC’ error while opening cpan, you have not installed Bundle::Cpan. You…

yum localinstall

This will install an RPM, and try to resolve all the dependencies for you using your repositories. yum localinstall package_name.rpm

Fix for Missing Fonts in Debian’s XMMS

If you have a debian system and the XMMS in that has a bug that hides the fonts in dailog,…

Unrar a RAR File in Linux

First install the ‘unrar’ package – then run this command… unrar x file.rar

Find number of lines in a file

Find the number of lines in a file using this command… cat -n file OR wc -l file

Sync Two Folders

Sync two folders using rsync command rsync -rogpav –delete /home/me /backup/folder

Convert all Ico files to Gif

I had a collection of ico files with the ext gif – these are the commands I used to fix…

Install RPM Package

Install a rpm package rpm -ivh package.rpm

5 Column Output

Divide terminal into 5 columns ls /tmp | pr -T5 -W$COLUMNS