Tag: command

Crontab Commands

Some command to set, view and remove cron jobs crontab -e #Edit Crons crontab -l #List all crons crontab -r…

Installing a Ruby Gem

Use this command to install a ruby gem in Linux – you must be connected to the net sudo gem…

Create a Permanent Alias in Fish Shell

This is how you create a permanent alias is fish… alias x=’exit’ save_function x

Date Command

Create the MySQL format date(YYYY-MM-DD) using the date command date +%Y-%m-%d

Clears the yum cache

Clears the yum cache yum clean all

Sensex Figure using a Linux Command

This one command will fetch and display the latest sensex figure in Linux. This command basically downloads a page, locates…

Execute JavaScript files using Rhino

The command to execute a javascript file using rhino. java -jar /path/to/custom_rhino.jar JS_File.js Get Custom Rhino(From Dojo Library)

Restarting XServer in Fedora

Restart XServer from command line in Fedora – for testing xorg.conf settings… telinit 3 #Shutdown X telinit 5 #Starts X

Concatinate Files in Linux

This is how you concatinate multiple files in linux… cat file1 file2 file3 > final_file

Basic Screen Shortcuts(Linux Terminal Tool)

Some important screen shortcuts Create New : Ctrl+A c Next Screen: Ctrl+A Space Previous : Ctrl+A Backspace Show Screen List:…