Tag: curl
Watch for Ubuntu 9.10 Launch
This script will run check for ubuntu launch once every 5 mins and let you know if there is an launch.
Get a Random Futurama Quote
Useless – but fun – get a random Futurama Quote curl -Is slashdot.org | egrep ‘^X-(F|B)’ | cut -d \-…
Post to Delicious From Command Line
Post to Delicious curl “https://<username>:<password>@api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/add?&url=[URL]&description=[TITLE]&tags=[TAGS]&replace=no”
Post a new Task to Nexty
This is the command used to post a new task to the nexty GTD tool. curl –basic –user “binnyva:password” –cookie-jar…
Post To Identi.ca using Curl
Post a status update to identi.ca using just curl curl –basic –user binnyva:PASSWORD –data-ascii “status=The new status goes here” http://identi.ca/api/statuses/update.xml
FTP Using Curl
Copy a file to a remote system using FTP with the Curl command… curl -T filename.txt -u username:password ftp://example.cot/filename.txt Original…
Sensex Figure using a Linux Command
This one command will fetch and display the latest sensex figure in Linux. This command basically downloads a page, locates…
Get URL Headers using CURL
Show the headers of an URL using Curl curl http://example.com -I
Word Meaning from Linux Command Line
Find the meaning of a word from dict using curl. System must be online for this to work. curl dict://dict.org/d:word
Using PHP’s Curl functions behind a Proxy
Using PHP’s Curl functions even if the net is accessible only thru a proxy. This is the only way curl…
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