Tag: Linux

Convert FLV file to MPEG

Convert FLV file to MPEG using ffmpeg ffmpeg -i myFile.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320×240 myFile.mpg

Find All Connected Harddisks

<p class=”intro”>If you have many IDE harddisks connected to the system(but not mounted), this command will find it. This will…

Watch a Log File for Changes using tail

This command will let you watch a log file for changes as soon as they happen

Installing DC++ in Linux

LinuxDCPP is a linux client for the DirectConnect protocol. This is how you install it… #Get the code sudo cvs…

Create a Folder’s ISO image

How to make an ISO image from contents of a directory? mkisofs -V label-name -r directory-name > iso-image.iso [tags]iso,image,folder,linux,mkisofs[/tags]

Adding a Windows Entry to Grub

The code to add a Windows loading section in Grub title Windows rootnoverify (hd0,1) chainloader +1 [tags]grub,windows,linux,boot,loader[/tags]

Create CD Image

These commands can be used to create an image of a CD/DVD/HDD. You can also use some GUI tool like…

Download Multiple Files with Wget

Wget can be used to download multiple files with just one command wget -c “http://example.com/file[1-9].htm” [tags]wget,download,multiple,series,linux,command,cli[/tags]

Command to make a CD/DVD ISO Image in Linux with dd

This command can be used to create an image of a CD/DVD/HDD. You can also use some GUI tool like…

Fetch columns of Output using Awk

One can use awk to get a specific column from a command output… First column of the command date|awk ‘{print…