Convert Bin/Cue Images to ISO Image using Linux Command

You can use this command to convert a Bin/Cue image to an ISO image in a linux system. You may not have the bchunk command – so use yum or apt to install it before converting the image.

bchunk IMAGE.bin IMAGE.cue IMAGE.iso

Original Article

Author: Binny V A
A philosopher programmer who specializes in backend development and stoicism.

2 thoughts on “Convert Bin/Cue Images to ISO Image using Linux Command

  1. Perhaps it would be better to describe this as “combining” rather that “converting.” It seems to me that this simply combines the info found in the cue file (plain ASCII text) with the bin file (a partial image of a CD) to create an iso.
    Is there anything else going on here? These different formats don’t deviate from raw bit for bit copies, or do they? Is each bin file an image of only one track, and the cue sheet says how to put those tracks together? Is there info outside of all tracks on a disc? That area where booktype and CSS encryption keys are stored – is that a track or something else? Do isos contain only what’s in one track, or do they also include that booktype stuff area stuff, or is that all in the track anyway? Do isos have error correction applied? Do bins have error correction applied? Are the volume labels in a “track?” What about the boot info on bootable CDs? Is each of these things there own track? I wouldn’t have any of these questions if we just always used raw bit for bit (though not necessarily 1:1) images, but we don’t. True isos seem to have pickinesses that if not met aren’t true isos, though might still be a raw image.

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