Python Function for Space Units

A Python function to return readable size using the given size(KB)

# Returns a more readable format of the given data. For example, getReadableSize(1024) returns "1 MB"
	def getReadableSize(size):
		unit = "KB"
		size = float(size)
		final = size

		if(size >= 1024):
			unit = "MB"
			final= "%.02f" % (size / 1024)
			size = (size / 1024)

			if(size >= 1024):
				unit = "GB"
				final= "%.02f" % (size / 1024)
				size = (size / 1024)

		return str(final) + " " + unit


Author: Binny V A
A philosopher programmer who specializes in backend development and stoicism.

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