Author: Binny V A

A philosopher programmer who specializes in backend development and stoicism.

Some File Operation in SVN

Moving, Coping and Deletion svn mv file.php to_folder/ #Move svn cp file.php to_folder/ #Copy svn rm file.php #Deletion

Using Ant to Concatenate files

The build.xml file to concatenate files using ant. This can be executed using the command ‘ant “ConcatAll”‘ <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>…

Clears the yum cache

Clears the yum cache yum clean all

Linux Command to get the Sensex

Another method to get the sensex. This method is more realiable in working – but the data might be a…

Sensex Figure using a Linux Command

This one command will fetch and display the latest sensex figure in Linux. This command basically downloads a page, locates…

Execute JavaScript files using Rhino

The command to execute a javascript file using rhino. java -jar /path/to/custom_rhino.jar JS_File.js Get Custom Rhino(From Dojo Library)

Creating a Toolbar in GTK Python(PyGTK)

Creating a toolbar using GTK Python. There is an old method – but this example shows a better method of…

Install Rhino

Installing Rhino(Javascript interpreter created in java) on Fedora 7 sudo yum install rhino-manual rhino-demo rhino

Restarting XServer in Fedora

Restart XServer from command line in Fedora – for testing xorg.conf settings… telinit 3 #Shutdown X telinit 5 #Starts X

Single User Mode in Linux

To get into single user mode in Linux, stop the boot at grub then edit the kernal you want to…