Category: Linux
Single User Mode in Linux
To get into single user mode in Linux, stop the boot at grub then edit the kernal you want to…
Get Result of Command using Python in Linux
Execute a command and get its results using python in Linux import commands result = commands.getoutput(“ls”)
Concatinate Files in Linux
This is how you concatinate multiple files in linux… cat file1 file2 file3 > final_file
Basic Screen Shortcuts(Linux Terminal Tool)
Some important screen shortcuts Create New : Ctrl+A c Next Screen: Ctrl+A Space Previous : Ctrl+A Backspace Show Screen List:…
Get URL Headers using CURL
Show the headers of an URL using Curl curl -I
Search Text in a Folder using grep
Search for a specific text in a folder using grep grep “fetchFeedPacksCustomize()” *.js [tags]grep,search,text,folder[/tags]
Firefox Profiles
How to access firefox profiles in Linux… #Open the profile manager. firefox –ProfileManager #Open firefox using the specified profile firefox…
Better Way to find Process ID of an Application in Linux
A better way to get the process id of an application. I recommend giving an alias for this command… ps…
Remove empty directories
Remove all empty directories within the current directory find . -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \; perl -MFile::Find -e”finddepth(sub{rmdir},’.’)”…
Reboot Linux when hung
To Reboot Linux when hung hold down the Alt and SysRq (Print Screen) keys. While holding those down, type the…
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