Tag: text

Fix for Missing Fonts in Debian’s XMMS

If you have a debian system and the XMMS in that has a bug that hides the fonts in dailog,…

Change Case

Convert from lower case to upper case echo ‘hello world’ | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’

Remove Empty Lines

Remove empty lines from a file using sed sed ‘/^$/d’ file.txt Original Article

Reverse a File

This commands reverses a file in linux – the last line will be the first… tac file.txt tac = reverse…

Create a Sound File from a Text

You can create a wav file of a written text using this command echo “It’s such a beautiful day! Why…

Recursive Grep

Recursively check a folder to find the given text using grep grep -R “text” *

Manual to Text

Ever wonder how you can get a man page in into a format you can read and print? man command…

Search Text in a Folder using grep

Search for a specific text in a folder using grep grep “fetchFeedPacksCustomize()” *.js [tags]grep,search,text,folder[/tags]

Read Tarballed Text File

How to read a big text file that is tarballed – without extracting the whole thing… bzcat enwiki-20070802-pages-articles.xml.bz2 | head…

Fetch columns of Output using Awk

One can use awk to get a specific column from a command output… First column of the command date|awk ‘{print…