A Shell Scirpt to Mount ISO files – call it using the command moustiso.sh ImageFile.iso
. You need a folder called /mnt/Image for this to work
sudo mount -o loop "$*" /mnt/Image/
Byte sized tech know-how.
A Shell Scirpt to Mount ISO files – call it using the command moustiso.sh ImageFile.iso
. You need a folder called /mnt/Image for this to work
sudo mount -o loop "$*" /mnt/Image/
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you should take care of number of loop devices /dev/loop*. You can’t mount any ISO files if there isn’t any /dev/loopX left.
You might also want to do the following
1. Create a mount point as a failsafe before attempting to mount the iso into /mnt/Image.
2. Unmount any image at the mount point