Category: Command Line

Encrypt/Decrypt File using OpenSSL in Linux

Works on OS X, Linux, anywhere with OpenSSL installed: To encrypt a file: openssl des3 -salt -in infile.txt -out encryptedfile.txt…

Delete all \n chars in a file…

Delete all \n chars in a file… tr -d “\n”

Extract to Given Folder

extract a tarball into / tmp tar -xvf archive.tar -C /tmp

Add Audio to a Video File Using ffmpeg

FFMPEG command to mix an audio file with a video file to create a final video. ffmpeg -vcodec flv -qscale…

Linux Command to Convert a Video to PSP’s MP4 Format

Linux command to convert a video file to PSP format using ffmpeg. After converting, copy the OutputFile to the video…

Archive Contents

Show contents of an archive tar -tf archive.tar

Write and Append Permission

Allows write opening of a file only append mode chattr +a file

pwck Command

check correct syntax and file format of ‘/etc/passwd’ and users existence pwck

grpck Command

Check correct syntax and file format of ‘/etc/group’ and groups existence grpck

Delete User

Delete a user ( ‘-r’ eliminates home directory) userdel -r user1